Dear Site-Coordinator,

Thank you for your participation in the Louisiana College Application Month! The statewide steering committee would like to receive feedback from the site-coordinators on the planning and implementation process for your high school. This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Your feedback is very vital as it will assist us with planning Louisiana College Application Month 2015. Please be aware that when you click “submit” at the end of the survey your answers will be submitted and you will not be able to make further changes. If you served multiple high schools as a site-coordinator, ; please complete the survey once per high school to ensure your data is connected to the correct high school.

All responses will be kept confidential. The survey asks for you to identify your high school to help us provide a summary of findings to our key stakeholders and to gauge better support for future years. All questions must be answered.

The Louisiana College Application Month steering committee will analyze the data and report on its findings. The name of your high school will never be associated with your responses in any report of these findings.

Please complete the survey by Friday, December 5, 2014. If you have any questions, contact Kristen O’Neil at or Timenee Thomas at

Thank you,
Statewide Steering Committee