Your Opinion is Need to Shape Olivia's Future

The City Council and Planning Commission of Olivia are seeking input from community members. The following survey allows you an opportunity to comment on a number of topics with an estimated completion time of 15 minutes. The goal of the survey is to help City leaders set priorities. Comments received will remain confidential and will be incorporated into the City of Olivia’s Comprehensive Plan update. Thank you in advance for taking time to complete this rather lengthy survey – please be assured your comments matter! Please also know you can complete the survey during multiple sessions vs. all at once.

Question Title

* 1. Please list what you think are the two best aspects of day-to-day life in Olivia or the two most positive attributes of Olivia?

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* 2. Please list what you believe are major challenges facing Olivia?

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* 3. How promising is the future of Olivia?

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* 4. How visually appealing is the City?

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* 5. Fast forward twenty years from now, describe what's different about Olivia.

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* 6. Fast forward that same twenty years and describe what is the same about Olivia.

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* 7. What recommendations do you have for future City projects?

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* 8. Please identify the most important POLITICAL FORCE having a serious impact on/in Olivia.

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* 9. Please identify the most important ECONOMIC FORCE having a serious impact on/in Olivia.

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* 10. Please identify the most important SOCIAL OR CULTURAL FORCE on/in Olivia.

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* 11. Please identify the most important TECHNOLOGICAL FORCE on/in Olivia.

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* 12. Please identify the most important POLITICAL TREND having a serious impact on/in Olivia.

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* 13. Please identify the most important ECONOMIC TREND on/in Olivia.

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* 14. Please identify the most important SOCIAL OR CULTURAL TREND having a serious impact on/in Olivia.

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* 15. Please identify the most important TECHNOLOGICAL TREND impacting Olivia.

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* 16. What is the ONE major improvement that would make living in Olivia better for you?

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* 17. What recommendations do you have for future City action?

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* 18. Overall, how would you describe the current PHYSICAL CONDITION of existing houses in Olivia?

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* 19. What type of housing do you feel is most needed in the City? Select two.

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* 20. What VALUE of housing is most needed in the City? Please circle your top response.

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* 21. In your opinion, what is the general PHYSICAL CONDITION of roads in the community?

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* 22. Do you use the municipal airport?

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* 23. What can the City do to assist in the development of alternative transportation options (e.g. pedestrian, bicycle, bus)?

Question Title

* 24. Are you aware of any existing or pending transportation/traffic issues in the City that have not been addressed, whether motorized or pedestrian and/or private or public? Where are they? Please describe.

Question Title

* 25. How often do you visit local businesses in Olivia?

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* 26. In your opinion what businesses/services would be a pleasant addition to Olivia?

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* 27. What area(s) or specific properties in the community should be targeted for future commercial/industrial development?

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* 28. How much financial support does this community give to BOLD schools?

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* 29. How responsive is the community to school referendums?

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* 30. Is it time for a county wide school?

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* 31. How often do you visit parks in Olivia?

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* 32. How much value for the money are playgrounds in parks?

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* 33. How much value for the money are athletic fields in parks?

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* 34. How much value for the money are trails in cities?

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* 35. How much value for the money are natural areas that are open to the public?

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* 36. If they were available, how often would you use walking or biking trails?

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* 37. How well is Olivia served by existing parks?

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* 38. What major park or recreation improvement would you like to see in Olivia during the next five years?

Question Title

* 39. How approachable is your local government?

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* 40. How well does the City meet its objectives?

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* 41. How professional is the City of Olivia?

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* 42. How useful are City services?

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* 43. How well does the City explain why changes are made?

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* 44. How clean is your neighborhood?

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* 45. How safe do you feel in Olivia?

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* 46. About how long have you lived in Olivia?

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* 47. Which category below includes your age?

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* 48. Are you male or female?