Question Title

* 1. Which best describes your current law practice?

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* 2. Upon hearing the phrase "paperless lawyering" what words immediately spring into your mind?

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* 3. What obstacles do lawyers face in trying to adopt a "paperless" law practice?

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* 4. Which 3 of the following aspects of "being paperless" most appeal to you? (choose only 3)

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* 5. If there were a book on how to practice "paperless lawyering" what topics would you most want to see that book address?

Question Title

* 6. If want to be entered in the drawing for a FREE Fujitsu ScanSnap Scanner, then ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS (this purely optional; no need to give your email address if you don't want to. However, know that we will not use the email addresses we get for any purpose other than to pick a winner for the Scanner Giveaway).