1. Women on Water Seminar (WOW!)

We invite women boaters to complete this survey. Bluewater Cruising Association, Vancouver Island Chapter, plans to host a one day Women's Boating Seminar in Spring 2013 in Greater Victoria. All women boaters, sailing and power, are welcome to attend this seminar.

WOW believes that women on the water will be more confident, independent and safer through knowledge and learning. We will create a safe and respectful learning environment and build a network of women boaters. The seminar will offer a range of learning to address different levels of experience, from novice to more advanced boaters.

Please take a few moments to complete this survey, to help us plan a relevant, enjoyable learning experience for women on water (WOW!) It will only take a few minutes.

You are eligible to win a $50 gift coupon from West Marine by completing this survey. Your entry is at the end of the survey. Deadline for survey completion & contest: June 30, 2012.

Question Title

* 1. What is your interest in attending this event? If you answer "Not interested", please either include your reason in the Comments Section, and/or go directly to Question 8 near the end of the survey.

Question Title

* 2. Date: Please indicate your preference for the range of dates listed. You may choose more than one date.

  First Choice Second Choice Third Choice No Preference Doesn't Work
March 9 (Same week as International Women's Day)
March 16
April 20 (same weekend as Victoria Boat Show)
April 23

Question Title

* 3. INTRODUCTORY TOPICS: (For Novice Boaters): For each of the topics, please choose its priority by clicking in the appropriate circle.

  High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority
Ropes, Lines and Knots
Communicating Effectively while Boating
Safety At Sea
Medical Issues
Boating Beyond the Weekend
Boat Maintenance
Racing: Rules, Tactics, Strategies
Dealing with Anxiety on the Water
Provisioning for Longer Trips
Canvas Work, Sail Repair

Question Title

* 4. ADVANCED TOPICS: (For Experienced Boaters): For each of the topics, please choose its priority by clicking in the appropriate circle.

  High priority Medium priority Low priority
Ropes, Lines and Knots
Communication Effectively while Boating
Safety at Sea
Medical Issues
Boating Beyond the Weekend
Boat Maintenance
Racing: Rules, Tactics, Strategies
Dealing with Anxiety on the Water
Provisioning for Longer Trips
Canvas Work; Sail Repair

Question Title

* 5. Cost: Please indicate the registration fee you consider to be reasonable for a full day seminar that includes a continental breakfast and lunch.

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* 6. Would you be interested in attending a Friday evening social/community event?

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* 7. Please rate the level of importance each of the following aspects of the seminar are for you:

  THE most important Very important Important Not so important Not applicable
Becoming more confident, independent and safe on the water
Building a community of women boaters
Learning about boating from a women's perspective
Improving my Skills

Question Title

* 8. If you would like to enter the Draw for a $50 Gift Coupon from West Marine, please include your name and email address below. Please note that WOW will not disclose your personal information to any third party.

Question Title

* 9. We would like to send you a Registration Invitation to WOW in late 2012 or early 2013. If you do not wish to be contacted, please indicate.

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* 10. A Survey such as this often leads to new ideas. If you have comments you'd like to share, please use the space to indicate them. Thanks!