1. Science Education: Past, Present, and Future

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* 1. Please indicate if you strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree, or have no opinion

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree No Opinion
Science was more important as a subject 50 years ago than it is now.
Science was more important as a subject 20 years ago than it is now.
I am satisfied with the direction that science education is taking in this country.
I am satisfied with the direction that education is taking in this country.
Students should take more science and mathematics.
Comparisons between countries in terms of science performance are important.
Comparisons between schools in terms of student science performance are important.
The United States should have a nationalized curriculum.
The United States should have nationalized assessments.

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* 2. Which ONE of these national topics concerns you most as a science educator?

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* 3. While there are many important qualities of a science teacher, which do you consider the most important? (choose one)

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* 4. In order to help create a scientifically literate society, what do you need MOST as a science teacher? (choose one)

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* 5. Which best describes how often you go online to find instructional resources?

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* 6. In order to create a strong science education community over the next two years, I would like to (select up to two answers):

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* 7. Which best describes your certification/qualification status for each of the science topics you are currently teaching?

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* 8. Which best describes the amount of content that you cover in your class?

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* 9. Please enter any additional comments regarding the state of science education here.

Optional: It's helpful to us to know a little about you when we analyze the survey results.

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* 10. What is your professional role?

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* 11. Level:

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* 12. Location:

Thanks for your time!