Dear Survey Respondent,
CNAL/RCAA is exploring the nature and reach of Canadian arts-in-learning programming, as well as the current needs of the arts-in-learning sector in Canada.

For the purposes of this survey, the term "arts-in-learning" refers to activities and programs that have a component designed to educate about the arts in general and/or about a particular art form; use the arts to illuminate other, non-arts subjects or issues; and/or provide the opportunity for individuals to engage in creativity-based art work.

While we would appreciate your response to all of the survey items that apply to you, please feel free to skip any questions to which you do not feel comfortable replying.

We appreciate your taking the time to assist us in this important research.The results of this study will be available on the CNAL/RCAA website as of November 2013.

Dr. Ann Patteson, Lead Researcher
Steven Campbell, Research Associate
CNAL/RCAA Arts-in-Learning Research

Question Title

* 1. In which Canadian province or territory do you live?

Question Title

* 2. What are your primary art forms? Please check as many as apply. Please use the "other" box following the selection list to share details if you wish.

The next few questions ask about your current arts-in-learning activities.

Question Title

* 3. In which of the following venues do you provide in arts-in-learning experiences?

Question Title

* 4. If you work in schools, do your arts-in-learning activities directly link with specific curriculum goals as stated in your provincial or territorial curriculum outlines?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following age groups are most frequently involved in your arts-in-learning activities? Please check all of the options required to cover the total range of ages involved in your activities.

Question Title

* 6. How often do you work with the following groups in your arts-in-learning work? Some categories overlap, so please check all that apply to you.

  Often Sometimes Rarely Never
First Nations
Incarcerated individuals
Elementary school students (in-school programming)
High school students (in-school programming)
Health care recipients
Individuals living with physical challenges
Individuals living with cognitive challenges
Individuals living with emotional challenges
Individuals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Newcomers to Canada
Individuals living on the streets
Individuals with addictions
War Veterans

Question Title

* 7. Approximately how many participants take part yearly in your arts-in-learning activities?

Question Title

* 8. Please indicate from which of the following your participants for arts-in-learning activities are drawn. Please check as many as apply.

Question Title

* 9. How do you find the majority of your work as an arts-in-learning artist? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 10. Please indicate from which of the following sources you receive funding for your arts-in-learning work.

  Yes No Rarely
Fees for service
Services in kind

Question Title

* 11. In your work as an artist, do you ever feel a conflict between meeting the creative needs of your participants in arts-in-learning activities and your need to work toward specific learning goals as determined by your funder/employer?

Question Title

* 12. In your opinion, what are the benefits of having the arts in learning?

Question Title

* 13. Approximately what percent of your work as an artist is spent in delivering arts-in-learning activities/programming?

Question Title

* 14. Approximately what percent of your yearly income is derived from your arts-in-learning work?

Question Title

* 15. Please check the boxes that most closely represent your feelings about the following statements.

  I agree. I disagree. I'm not sure.
I am fairly compensated for my work as an artist in the arts-in-learning field.
I feel that artists are considered to be valuable members of society by the majority of Canadians.
I am part of an informal network of other artists who provide me with support in my work.
I am part of an artists' organization.
As a professional artist, I often feel isolated in my work.

Question Title

* 16. How has your work as an artist in the arts-in-learning field influenced your own work as an artist?

Question Title

* 17. To your knowledge, have you ever been part of any research into the effects of arts-in-learning activities?

The next section of this survey asks about your current needs as a provider of arts-in-learning experiences.

Question Title

* 18. Which of the following changes would you like to make to the amount of time you spend on arts-in-learnig activities/programs?

Question Title

* 19. Have you had specialized training as an artist working in the field of arts-in-learning?

Question Title

* 20. Would you like more training for your work in arts-in-learning?

Question Title

* 21. If you would like more training in the delivery of arts-in-learning experiences, please list the top 4 training components that you would like to see included in that training.

Question Title

* 22. For which of the following groups/individuals do you feel you would benefit from more training in arts-in-learning in order to provide meaningful and effective arts-in-learning opportunities? Please check as many as apply.

Question Title

* 23. Which of the following roles would you like to see CNAL/RCAA take on as a national body for arts-in-learning? Pease check as many as you wish.

Question Title

* 24. Please feel free to make further comments.

Thank you for responding to this survey. The results of this study will be available on the CNAL/RCAA website as of November 2013.