
Subsidy Application for attendance at:

‘Justice Camp: Land’
Date: August 15-21, 2014
Location: Immersions will take us to a variety of places around Alberta but when we're all together accommodations will be at The King's College Edmonton

KAIROS has a total subsidy budget of $500* to be awarded to one or more applicants for the purpose of attending one of the three ‘Justice Camp: Land’ immersion experiences that are most closely tied to KAIROS priorities:

1. Aboriginal Reconciliation
2. Faith in the Oil/Tar Sands Developments: Excavating for Deeper Narratives
3. Earth, Sky, Fire and Water: Ecology and Conservation (parallels KAIROS’ Watershed Discipleship)

Subsidy recipients will be designated as KAIROS delegates for the duration of the Camp and a follow-up period. Delegates will be expected to do one or more of the following, as negotiated at the time of subsidy acceptance:

• Share knowledge of KAIROS programs and perspectives with Camp participants as appropriate, including setting up a KAIROS information table if possible
• Take pictures and share Camp experience with KAIROS networks through Facebook, Twitter, and at least one blog and/or Spirited Reflection
• Complete a follow-up interview with the Network and Young Adult Coordinator regarding what the applicants’ learning and suggestions for further action in the KAIROS network

For more information about the Camp and its Immersion experiences see:

Subsidy Application Deadline: EXTENDED to June 10, 2014

Applicants will be notified by June 13 at the latest and applications of recipients will be expected at Justice Camp by June 15 (spots have been reserved).

*KAIROS will, at its sole discretion, award: a single subsidy of $500, multiple subsidies totaling $500, or no subsidy dependent on the quality and feasibility of applications.