By participating, you will be helping us to learn about important issues in the lives of teenagers today. Your responses will be held in confidence and no identifying information will be stored. The data will be stored in the Psychology Department or the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University. Individuals from the Department of Psychology, the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center and the Institutional Review Board may inspect the records. In all other respects, however, the data will be held in confidence to the extent permitted by law. Should the data be published, your identity will not be disclosed. If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to e-mail or call Dr. Elizabeth Englander (; 508-531-1784). If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, you may call the Institutional Review Board office (508-531-1242) and will be given an opportunity to discuss any questions in confidence, with a member of the committee. This is an independent committee composed of faculty and staff of Bridgewater State University and its affiliates, as well as lay members of the community not connected with the institution. The committee has reviewed this study. Please remember that your participation in this study is voluntary. You may refuse to participate without being subject to any penalty or losing any benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. By completing the survey, you are voluntarily agreeing to participate. You are also indicating that all your present questions have been answered in language you can understand. We thank you and look forward to your feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Are you employed (either part- or full-time) in a school, afterschool program, camp, or daycare facility, working with children? (If more than one answer is true, choose the answer that is your primary job.)