1. Station "How's It Going" Survey

Here at ATS, we like to continually collect information on your ATS work experience.

This survey is designed to help our corporate Employee Services staff identify "How's It Going" for you in your daily work environment.

We are committed to providing you a quality work environment where you feel that you can provide a high quality product to our customers in the safest environment.

Thank you for taking this survey and helping us continue to make ATS a great place to work!

*Note - This survey is anonymous and can't be traced back to your computer.

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* 2. What is your position with ATS?

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* 3. What best describes the type of operation you work in?

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* 4. What are the 1-2 things that you feel positively impact morale at your station?

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* 5. What are the 1-2 things that negatively impact morale at your station?

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* 6. The job stress I feel is reasonable, rather than excessive.

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* 7. My station manager supports free exchanges of opinions and ideas.

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* 8. My supervisor involves me in making decisions that affect my work.

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* 9. Your station, recognizes team accomplishments.

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* 10. At your station, there is a climate of trust.

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* 11. Your station emphasizes safety.

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* 12. At your station, employees are treated fairly regarding work assignments, schedules, etc.

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* 13. My station has regular meetings where I can voice concerns if needed.

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* 14. I always receive clear instructions regarding work assignments.

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* 15. When problems arise, I feel free to ask questions

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* 16. I received proper orientation and training for my work.

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* 17. The morale at the station is very good.

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* 18. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate your Station Manager.

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* 19. Would you recommend a friend to apply with ATS? Why or why not?

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* 20. Is there anything else you would like to add which you think may be helpful to ATS?