Support Otway Health to continue receiving funding for Community Health Services to our region.

Otway Health faces a crisis of funding which could cut 80% of the community health services provided to Apollo Bay and surrounds. If you live here, or have relatives or friends doing so, then these cuts could see you driving to Colac or Geelong to seek assistance in rehabilitation following an acute incident, surgery or illness.  Any reduction in specialised exercise programs that help keep the elderly fit and mobile could see some people unable to live at home.  And that’s just the tip of our funding crisis which could affect you or your family now or well in to the future.
If you have used any Otway Health services, or will in the future then please fill in our survey, thinking of how difficult it would be for you if they were taken away.

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* 1. Your Age

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* 2. You are completing this survey as:

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* 3. Please tick as many Otway Health Services used by yourself (your dependants, family or friends) in the last 12 months.

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* 4. Please describe the benefits of receiving this service (eg. rehabilitation, increase range of movement, regained independence, better understanding of managing health, and assistance with mental health or budgeting, medical assistance in the home and/or anything else you may think of)

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* 6. Please describe what financial impact travelling out of the area (Colac or Geelong) for these services would have on you (your dependants, family or friends. Eg, Cost of petrol, public or taxi service, would a friend or family member have to take a day off work to help and/or anything else you may think of)

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* 7. How will you, (your dependants, family or friends) be affected long term, living in the area, without these Otway Health services being available?

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* 8. Any other information you would like to provide...

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* 9. Please provide your details, this makes each survey be valid and can be counted

Thankyou for your support, each survey will form part of our formal appeal to all relevant ministers and departments.

Otway Health Po Box 84 Apollo Bay 3233

Ph 5237 8500