Moodle for pre-accredited Information Session

The Gippsland Connect project aims to meet specific needs as expressed by Learn Locals in Gippsland, and identified in the 2014 revitalising East Gippsland conference and report developed by the Sharman Consultancy.

We have arranged this information session to introduce Learn Local organisations currently delivering pre-accredited programs to Moodle and ways in which this platform can be used to compliment current training practices.

This session is aimed at those wishing to learn more about Moodle and how it may be used to extend or compliment current program delivery as well as increase reach and engagement of learners, preparing them for 21st century learning.

The session will take place online using

Skype for Business
Wednesday June 17th 2015
12noon - 1pm

Once your registration is received we will send you details of how to access the webinar room and arrange with you a suitable time before the day to meet with you for 5 minutes to make sure you are able to access the webinar room in preparation for the session.