Representing military veterans on disability and other issues involving the US Department of Veterans Affairs requires an attorney be accredited by the VA and have three hours of CLE (with three hours CLE required every two years thereafter). The three-hour training would include an overview of veterans' issues, VA accreditation, disability claims, and practice before the VA, including appeals. There are also a variety of laws unique to veterans or active military personnel in areas such as credit, divorce, child custody, criminal law, state benefits, etc. The Military Law Section is considering CLE offerings and would like to know what practitioners are interested in. This survey will allow you to express an interest in a three-hour training and VA accreditation, as well as in an expanded training to include additional veterans’ issues.

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* 1. Are you accredited to practice before the VA?

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* 2. IF YOU ARE NOT ACCREDITED: Are you interested in VA accreditation and three hours CLE?

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* 3. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN VA ACCREDITATION: What barriers, if any, are or will keep you from being accredited? Please indicate the biggest barrier.

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* 4. Veterans' and active military issues arise in practice areas unrelated to practice before the VA. Please indicate all topics you would like to learn more about through CLE events. Mark all that apply.

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* 5. Roughly what percentage of the veterans or active military clients you represent or anticipate representing are pro bono clients?