Question Title

* 1. How concerned are you about the increasing frequency of paediatric myopia in your practice?

  Not at all Extremely

Question Title

* 2. From what you have heard / read about the effectiveness of myopia control options to date, what % reduction do you think the following options can achieve? (just type a number without "%")

Question Title

* 3. How active would you consider your clinical practice in the area of myopia control?

  Not at all Fully

Question Title

* 4. How many times have you prescribed the following correction options for progressing / young myopes over an average month? [Please consider the total number of progressing/young myopes and include all in your response]

Question Title

* 5. How old (in years) would the patient have to be for you to consider each of the following options (not just for myopia control and assuming average handling skills and child/parent motivation)?

  5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 would not prescribe this
Single vision spectacles
Bifocal spectacles
Progressive spectacles
RGPs (alignment fit)
Single vision soft contact lenses
Standard multifocal soft contact lenses (even if off-label use)
Specific myopia control soft contact lenses
Pharmaceuticals such as atropine
Refractive surgery

Question Title

* 6. What would be the minimum amount of myopia (in dioptres) for you to consider each of the following correction options for a patient?

  -0.50 -1,00 -1,50 -2,00 -2,50 -3,00 -3,50 -4,00 -4,50 -5,00 >-5,00 Would not prescribe this
Single vision spectacles
Bifocal spectacles
Progressive spectacles
RGP (alignment fit)
Single vision soft contact lenses
Standard multifocal soft contact lenses (even if off-label use)
Specific myopia control soft contact lenses
Pharmaceuticals such as atropine
Refractive surgery

Question Title

* 7. What is the minimum level of myopia progression you consider necessitates a myopia control approach?

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* 8. Do you use undercorrection as a strategy to slow myopia progression?

  No Sometimes Always

Question Title

* 9. If you have only ever fitted single vision spectacles/contact lenses for myopic patients, what has prevented you prescribing an alternative method?