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* 1. Did you visit Flax Mill during the open weekend September 2014 and have you visited before this year's open weekend?

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* 2. Are you?

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* 3. Which of these age groups do you fall into?

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* 4. How did you hear about the open weekend?

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* 5. What was your main reason for visiting Flax Mill?

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* 6. How far did you travel to visit Flax Mill?

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* 7. If you saw the art exhibition that was on display how do you rate it?

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* 8. During the redevelopment of Flax Mill would you like to see arts based activitiy
happening across these art forms?

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* 9. Do you feel that arts activity has a role to play in helping with the interpretation of the history and use of the site?

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* 10. Would you like to take part in arts activity at Flax Mill? If yes, which art form?