Question Title

* 1. My child(ren) are in grades: (mark all that apply)

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* 2. Are you kept well informed of the activities at school?

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* 3. Do you receive clear information regarding your child’s progress?

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* 4. Are you familiar with parent involvement opportunities at BGE?

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* 5. Have you signed the School-Parent Compact?

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* 6. Do you feel your child is safe at Button Gwinnett?

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* 7. Are you and your family new to our school?

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* 8. Are you aware of the opportunities to volunteer at BGE?

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* 9. Do you know how to contact your child’s teacher?

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* 10. Have you been given opportunities to provide input into school decisions?

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* 11. Parents feel welcome when coming to the school.

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* 12. Training opportunities are offered; parents are encouraged to work with their children at home.

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* 13. Teachers are caring and encouraging when working with students; teachers pay attention to student interests, problems, and success, both in and out of the classroom.

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* 14. Students are provided recognition for success in the classroom.

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* 15. Parents are encouraged to play a role in the school improvement planning.

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* 16. Parents and volunteers have opportunities to become involved in activities that support the instructional program.

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* 17. The building provides a secure, clean, and attractive setting where the emphasis is on academic achievement.

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* 18. How often do you receive school correspondence from the teacher (newsletter, phone call, email, etc.)?

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* 19. What forms of communication do you receive and are available to you as a parent? (Mark all that apply.)

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* 20. What type of training/programs would you like for the school to provide to parents?

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* 21. How many times per month do you access the school website?

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* 22. Please share any other comments or suggestions you have below.