We are required, under the RockEU project, to seek your feedback on the euRobotics newsletter. Please take a moment to answer the following 8 questions. Your answer will help us improve our working and deliverables.

Question Title

* 1. Which sector do you work in?

Question Title

* 2. Which best describes your job category?

Question Title

* 3. What is your level of interest in the association's newsletter?

Question Title

* 4. How important to you, is the regular newsletter sent by the association?

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the following attributes of our newsletter.

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Undecided
How satisfied are you with the layout of the newsletter?
How satisfied are you with the relevance of articles?
How satisfied are you with the overall content?
How satisfied are you with the timeliness of the information presented in the newsletter?
How satisfied are you with the practicality and helpfulness of the information presented in the newsletter?
How satisfied are you with the channels we provide to you to submit information or articles for inclusion in the newsletter?

Question Title

* 6. What information or sections, if any, would you like to see included in the newsletter in the future?

Question Title

* 7. What sections, if any, do you think should be removed from the newsletter?

Question Title

* 8. Overall, how satisfied are you with the presentation and content of the regular newsletter?

Thank you for completing the survey and we appreciate your feedback. Please visit us frequently at www.eu-robotics.net and for any enquiries please contact secretariat@eu-robotics.net