Please give us your honest, anonymous feedback on the program.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name:

Question Title

* 2. What was the strongest part of the program for you?

Question Title

* 3. What was the weakest part of the program for you?

Question Title

* 4. Overall, how was the program in helping you develop as an Entrepreneur?

Question Title

* 5. What difference has this program made in your life?

Question Title

* 6. Would you recommend this program to others?

Please tell us about how helpful the Change it Up! staff was.

Question Title

* 7. Facilitator - Teaching

  Yes No Sometimes
The Facilitator was prepared for sessions
The Facilitator was well organized
The Facilitator made information easy to understand
The Facilitator was able to manage and engage the group
The Facilitator helped me overcome personal barriers to succeed
The Facilitator believed in me and my ability to succeed
The Facilitator did whatever was needed to help students learn and do well

Question Title

* 8. The Facilitator’s overall effectiveness:

Question Title

* 9. The Assistant/Coach - Coaching/Mentoring

  Yes No Sometimes
The Assistant/Coach really listened to me
The Assistant/Coach helped me to recognize my strengths
The Assistant/Coach helped me to overcome barriers
The Assistant/Coach believed in me and my ability to succeed.
The Assistant/Coach did whatever was needed to help students succeed

Question Title

* 10. The Assistant/Coach’s overall effectiveness:

Question Title

* 11. Please add any other comments about the CIU-E staff:

Thank You!