Thank You from the hearts of our bottoms!

Dear ladies (Sorry fellas, this survey is for those that identify as Double XXs)

Thank you so much taking the time to click through to this survey. We REALLY appreciate your willingness to participate.

One of the primary ways we devise the show Inviting Desire is to create a survey that gives us a window into what our sisters are really thinking about. The mission of Dance Naked Productions is to create theater that illuminates real women’s sexuality - not the facade that’s marketed as “sexy” or aimed at a male audience - but genuine desire, authentic arousal (or...lack thereof). We want to know what you’re really thinking. Your answers will inspire stories, help shape the themes in the show, often appear verbatim in songs or choral pieces. Your identities are anonymous, so we hope you will feel safe to be entirely frank.

There are several questions here, some of which have multiple parts. Please don’t be intimidated, (or put off answering until you have more time. You won’t!). Just read through them all to start with (there are 14 total) and then go through and answer those that interest you, that you feel an immediate response towards. We would be delighted to have you answer them all, but if only one or two speak to you - then focus on those.

We are so grateful for your participation, your honesty and trust, and support of our artistic process. We promise to use any information we gather for the powers of good - towards a world of greater compassion and love, more and better sex, increased community and communication.
From the depths of our wombs to the tips of our clits, we thank you.

Eleanor O’Brien and the cast of Inviting Desire: The Dawn of Sex