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* 1. Each year the Benefits Office enlists feedback from our community of employees and retirees to help us plan upcoming events. In keeping with past surveys, we are excited to hear from you. Let us know your preference for workshops to deliver over the next year. Select as many topics as you like.

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* 2. We like to hold an annual event which brings the Peralta community together (employees, retirees, children, extended family, etc.). What type of fun or community building events would interest you?
By the way, since Peralta is celebrating 50 years in the community this year.

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* 3. Some employees and/or retirees have expressed an interest in a grown up or adults only one-day outing/excursion. What would interest you?

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* 4. What type of District-sponsored communications and/or events would you like to see focusing on health and wellness in the Peralta Community?

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* 5. If you are enrolled in Peralta group-sponsored medical and/or dental benefit plan, have you logged into your carrier's website (Kaiser, Delta Dental, CoreSource) to explore interactive services?

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* 6. If you are covered by a District-sponsored medical plan, are you and/or your family generally pleased with the services of your primary care providers?

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* 7. In 2009, the District organized a group cruise to Mexico. From time to time, we receive requests about other travel options. Would you be interested in group travel to Hawaii, Washington DC, Alaska, Europe,

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* 8. The "Peralta Benefits Everyone" Newsletter is distributed frequently to staff, faculty and retirees of the District via campus mail, email and home mailings. As we make efforts to "go green" and paperless, the Benefits Office wants your feedback on your preferred method of communications.