Dear Neighbors,

Please take a minute to fill out this survey. Hearing from you will help me represent our district at the Capitol this session.

Thank you for your time.

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* 1. Please enter your address and contact info to verify your residence in our district.This information is confidential and will not be shared or used for any other purpose.

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* 2. What are the most important topics to you for the legislature to focus on this session?

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* 3. Minnesota’s minimum wage currently sits at $5.25 for small employers and $6.15 for large employers, which is lower than the federal minimum wage. Would you support an increase in the state minimum wage to $9.50?

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* 4. Last session we closed our deficit and made investments in education and job creation. With a $1.23 billion budget surplus, we ought to: (Choose best option)

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* 5. Last session, nursing home workers were provided a rate increase for the first time in 4 years. Should the state provide a similar increase for personal care attendants and home based long term care workers who have gone without a raise for five years?

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* 6. What transportation infrastructure issues would you like addressed? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. Governor Dayton has announced his hope that this Legislative Session be an ‘un-session’ used to make government more effective and efficient for the people of Minnesota. What specific suggestions do you have for making state government more effective and efficient?

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* 8. Please let me know if you have any other questions, ideas, and comments.