
25% of survey complete.
With the September 2011 Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, the European Commission received approval to explore future governance alternatives for promoting effective recycling across sectors in society. A European Green Paper on Phosphorus is being prepared by the European Commission and will be published in early summer 2012.

Immediately after publication, an internet stakeholder consultation will be hosted by the Commission, followed by decisions in the European Council and European Parliament. If negotiations proceed well, there are many opportunities to strike novel ‘win-win’ solutions for a range of sectors and societal interests.

The Danish Government, which currently holds the rotating Presidency of the European Council, has included phosphorus management and reuse on the agenda of a conference to be held in May 2012.

As part of this process, the Baltic COMPASS team has been invited to submit a ‘position paper’ that summarises Baltic Sea Region experiences and interests through the perspectives of stakeholders. This paper may also inspire inputs to the EU Green Paper.

The following survey seeks your views. It has been sent to parliamentarians, government officials, agricultural and environmental groups, individual farmers, and other interested parties. We would appreciate brief statements accompanied by relevant reference materials and citations (documnents, weblinks etc).

Whether or not you provide contact information, the identities of all survey participants will be kept confidential, unless expressly agreed otherwise in follow-up conversations.