Laravel Developer Application

Why work for CharityHowTo?
· We pay immediately when invoiced.

· We recognize the value of super talented programmers and want to keep you happy.

· You have the freedom to work from anywhere.

· You can work any hours that you want.

· We want you to have creative freedom to develop awesome software.

· We are a very small company, there aren't any layers in our organization.

· We believe we are nice people to work with.

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* 1. Your contact info.

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* 2. Job Details

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* 3. How much experience do you have with Laravel?

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* 4. Write a simple Hello World script in php that asks someone their name and then saves it to a database. Beware of "Little Bobby Tables".

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* 5. A Co-Worker comes to you at lunch really excited about a cool idea for a project you're working on, but you see some obvious flaws with his idea. What do you do?

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* 6. Someone rear ends you at a stop light, who's fault is it, and what could you have done to prevent it?

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* 7. You have a laser pointer and need to find the height of a building. Give us a few ways to find the height using the laser pointer, and tell us which one is best and why you think it is best.

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* 8. Who Referred You (If Any)