This short survey is for business owners about the topic of business growth using the power of the internet - and all the challenges and frustrations that go with trying to implement an online marketing strategy.

As you know, marketing & advertising strategies for most products and services have changed dramatically over the last few years as the Internet has become ingrained in people's lives.

Many businesses are adopting these ‘new’ strategies, whilst others are still confused by them and unsure of their value – and some still do not accept they have any value in their businesses.

This survey simply asks a few questions related to this topic.

It is important to highlight that the survey is completely anonymous and only consists of 10 multiple choice questions, so should really only take a couple of minutes to complete.

There is absolutely no requirement to provide any personal or sensitive data.

Your participation would be hugely appreciated....thanks!

Finally, you have permission for you to share the survey link with anyone you know that is running their own business...feel free to share. Here is the link -

Thanks again for your time and help.

Jon Shawcross & Anton Nadilo