Financing Water Innovation: help us help you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

Have you carried out an innovative water project?
Would you like to share your experience on how it was financed?
Filling out this questionnaire will only take you 10 minutes and will help us help you.

This questionnaire has been developed by the FINNOWATER Action Group, of the European Commission within the framework of the EIP on Water ( This Action Group has the objective of addressing the financial barriers to innovation in the water sector. FINNOWATER is coordinated by ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network).

We have listed a number of topics and methods of financing to tick, but please feel free to use your own words in white boxes, if the provided categories are not relevant to your project.

Individual responses will remain confidential. The overall results will be published on the EIP Water Market Place and submitted to the EIP Water Task Force to contribute to future innovation funding policies.

Best regards,
The FINNOWATER Action Group

Question Title

* 1. Please write the title of your project below.

Question Title

* 2. Which type of actor are you?