The CSNO Government Relations Committee (GRC) and our CSNO Lobbyist are interested in your input as we begin the 2015-2016 Legislative Session. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. This survey is strictly voluntary and will be used to consider proposed legislation for this upcoming session. Thank you for belonging to CSNO. We appreciate your membership.

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* 1. Please provide your name.

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* 2. What is the name of your school district?

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* 3. What CSNO section do you belong to?

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* 4. What should be the top three legislative advocacy areas for the 2015-2016 session?

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* 5. Do you consider the above listed issues to be local (within your city or county) or statewide?

  Issue #1 Issue #2 Issue #3
Local (within my city or surrounding community)
Local (within my county or regional area)

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* 6. Would you consider the above issues to be regulatory (a change in existing statue/law) or legislative (would require a new bill/proposed legislation)?

  Issue #1 Issue #2 Issue #3

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* 7. Which strategies would you use to address the priorities/issues you have identified

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* 8. If CSNO sponsors legislation, would you be interested in attending a "Lobby Day"; that is a day where you visit the Capitol and meet with legislators to advocate for CSNO Issues?

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* 9. If you answered yes, what month would you propose having a "Lobby Day"?

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* 10. Would you be willing to travel to Sacramento to testify for a bill?

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* 11. In the past, CSNO has sponsored Lobby Days, where school nurses meet with legislators to engage in advocacy efforts. Are you interested in attending a Lobby Day?

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* 12. Would you be willing to pay to attend "Lobby Day" to help cover your food, materials, and lodging costs. This might be considered a "registration fee" and could quite possibly include contact hours.

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* 13. What amount of registration fee would you recommend, if any?

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* 14. Can you please share how the process of getting advocacy information, legislative information, bill reviewing, bill status worked for you this year?

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* 15. What additional comments to you have to share on how we can better inform you on bills, the legislative process, bill committee hearings, bill status.