1. Introduction

Please help! We are trying to gather data to allow us to analyze the performance of solid waste programs, nationwide trends, and policies in solid waste diversion. We really need your assistance in gathering this information. We periodically publish reports of these overall results in Resource Recycling or other trade journals (Biocycle, etc.).

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. It has been designed to gather some broad information about your community's trash, recycling, and yard waste services. We believe that you can answer the vast majority of these questions without referring to any documents or reports. Just do your best- any help / information is appreciated. (If you are replying as a County, please respond for unincorporated areas, or note if you're responding for the whole county).

If you have any inquires about the survey design, questions, or purpose, please do not hesitate to contact us tollfree at 866-758-6289 or 303/494-1178 or skumatz@serainc.com or freeman@econservationinstitute.org.

If you are able to answer the survey we would greatly appreciate it, and we will enter your name into a drawing for an IPAD and one of four MP3 players. Thanks again for all of your assistance!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information