Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the Pride issue of HIS Lifestyle Guide. Following are 7 questions concerning the design, content, and usefulness of the guide. Some questions ask you to use a ratings scale while others are open-ended and allow you to comment in your own words. There are also a few demographic questions at the end of the survey to let us know who is accessing the guide and who is responding to our survey.

The entire survey should take only about 10 minutes to complete and your responses are completely anonymous.

Thank you again for your help..

Question Title

* 1. Considering the overall look and design of the Pride issue of HIS Lifestyle Guide, please rate the Guide in terms of its appeal/attractiveness:

Question Title

* 2. Considering the different images and graphics in the Guide, to what extent do you think they are relatable and reflective of Black gay communities?

Question Title

* 3. Considering now the content of the HIS Lifestyle Guide Pride issue, please rate the Guide in terms of how interesting/informative the information it contained was to you:

Question Title

* 4. Following is a list of the featured articles in the Pride issue of HIS Lifestyle Guide. Please rank order them from the most interesting/useful to the least interesting/useful. 1 = most useful/interesting; 6 = least useful/interesting

Question Title

* 5. HIS Lifestyle Guide provides a list of resources showing where black gay/bisexual men can receive culturally sensitive health care services. Overall, how helpful/useful did you find the resource guide?

Question Title

* 6. For each of the resources listed at the end of the Guide, contact information is provided for you to inquire about services or to make an appointment. Using the ratings scale below, please indicate for each type of resource listed, how likely it is you will contact one of the providers in that service category for information or to make an appointment.

  Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not at all likely Already Contacted
Medical and Health Centers
Mental Health
STI/HIV Testing and Support
Faith and Spirituality
Fitness and Wellness
Substance Abuse and Treatment

Question Title

* 7. Please use the space below to provide any additional information/feedback about the HIS Lifestyle Guide that you think will help us improve the design, content or usefulness of the Guide.

Question Title

* 8. To help us understand who we are reaching with the HIS Lifestyle Guide, the next few questions ask for some demographic information. Please indicate your age in years:

Question Title

* 9. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 00544 or 94305)

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* 10. What is your race/ethnicity (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 11. Do you think of yourself as: