1. Customer Feedback

Thanks for taking time to provide suggestions for enhancing the CASA Alumni Website. We really appreciate any ideas you can provide!


Roy Hernandez
310.914.0186 Work
310.804.7565 Cell
CED BA 76, MA 78

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your name and email addresses so we can contact you to discuss your suggestions if we need to. (This information is optional.)

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* 2. How can we improve the Home page?

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* 3. How can we improve the CASA History page?

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* 4. How can we improve the Add/Edit Your Profile page?

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* 5. How can we improve the Post Your Content page?

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* 6. How can we improve the Find An Alumni page?

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* 7. What other things would you like to see on the website to encourage Chicanos / Latinos to explore the study of architecture or other related design careers?

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* 8. Would you be in favor of changing the space for pics in your profile from 2 columns to 1 columns.

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* 9. If you answered yes, for those who have content on the site already, would you still prefer the single column if it meant reloading you images?