Question Title

* 1. So far we have Holistic Veterinarian Dr. Judy Morgan who can talk anything medical & of course food! What would you like to hear, or learn more about. Some ideas: Picking healthy dog food, home cooking, cancer, arthritis, skin conditions, flea/tick meds etc. Open for suggestions here.

  A Big Yes Doesn't Matter No Interest
Understanding dog food
Home cooking for your dog
Ways to treat cancer
Ways to treat arthritis
Ways to treat skin conditions
Dealing with fleas & ticks
First aid tips

Question Title

* 2. Next up we will have groomer extraordinaire Donna Berggren. What topics/demos would you like to see? Nail trims, trimming foot pads, grooming tools.....suggestions again.

  A Big Yes Doesn't Matter No Interest
How to keep dog clean in between baths.
How to care for ears.
How to do nail trims
How to trim hair on feet
Grooming tools

Question Title

* 3. I will do training workshops/tips too. What would you like to learn about? Behavior problems (attention seeking barking, shy dogs), walking on a leash, concepts...

  A Big Yes Doesn't Matter No Interest
Learn a small musical freestyle routine
Games to play with your dog
How to keep your dog busy when you are busy
Barking-attention seeking
Shy dogs
Walking on a leash
Intro to clicker training/shaping

Question Title

* 4. Would you like to have a dog walk again this year?

Question Title

* 5. Your name, if you will & any extra comments:
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Please feel free to add any additional comments or ideas. We will be renting a 2 room indoor hall with a kitchen at 2439 Tremainsville (just a sling shot south of Laskey). We won't get soaked again! ~Tonya & Dexter