University of California at Santa Barbara
Writing Program 109ss

Title: Perception Of UCSB

The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of UCSB and the image that the academic institution has in the eyes of UCSB students and/or Faculty Members. This study is not focusing or related to GPA or academic performance of Students on campus. As a result, GPA or academic performance will be not asked or used in this study.

The Primary Investigator( PI ) of this project is Chul Soon Jang.

You MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD to take this survey and MUST be a UCSB student or faculty member.

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw from this study at any time without any consequences.

PROCEDURES: You will be asked to complete a short survey of 12 questions.
Your questions will then be analyzed by the PI, and the results will be reported in a paper for Writing 109SS class. YOUR PRIVACY AND ANONYMITY IS ASSURED, AND NAMES WILL NOT BE ASKED FOR OR USED.

RISKS: There are no risks associated with this study.

BENEFITS: There is no direct payment, or other benefit, given for participation in this research project.

ANONYMITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY: All responses are anonymous, and the Project will not use names, locations, or any other information in the analysis or writing up of the research project. In fact, no personal information is collected in this study. Additionally, no identifying information will be used in the final paper.

By selecting the next button below you are indicating that you have read this informed consent form and agree to participate in this study.