Green Hills Regional Planning Commission (GHRPC) - Higher Education Sector

17% of survey complete.
As your sector representative indicated, the Green Hills Regional Planning Commission (GHRPC) is working with the Missouri MoBroadbandNow project, which is part of a five year initiative launched by Governor Nixon in 2009 to facilitate broadband expansion throughout Missouri.

MoBroadbandNow seeks to expand broadband accessibility and adoption in our area to empower higher education entities to be able to quickly access correct, current educational data; put the data faculty needs to help students succeed at their fingertips; provide students with after class instruction; enable access to continuing education and distance learning; share data with students through online course materials; provide high quality online learning solutions; and much more.

To be successful, the MoBroadbandNow project needs to have a fuller understanding of how higher education interests in our region would like to use broadband, and the barriers and challenges that you face in integrating it.

In order to do that, we are engaging in an effort to identify broadband needs at the local level. Specifically, in this survey, we want to find out the attitudes, opinions, needs and interests of stakeholders in higher education. The thoughts of this group will be shared with the Green Hills Regional Technology Planning Team (RTPT) which is tasked with considering ways, and crafting a strategic plan, to create broadband opportunities and address the needs of our region.

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* 1. Educational Organization Name:

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* 2. Respondent Name:

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* 3. Title:

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* 4. Contact Information: