Dear Colleague,

The Global Young Academy (GYA) aims to empower and mobilize young scientists to address issues of particular importance to early-career scientists. One of its working groups has directed its efforts to ensure equitable Global Access to Research Software (GARS), in the spirit of Open Science.

INASP, an organisation with significant success in enabling developing countries to strengthen access to online journals and books, has joined hands with GYA-GARS to explore needs and demand for a programme to support this.

GYA is also seeking to foster understanding of how Open Science initiatives may feed into diverse research conditions around the world, with the goal to inform policy and funding bodies about existing challenges, best practices and steps forward.

This survey is a first step in that process. Your input would be very much appreciated and will help us to understand current issues that researchers around the world are facing in accessing the research software they need for their work.

The survey has 5 short sections and should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.

All the information collected in this survey will be be strictly anonymous.

Thank you very much!