
17% of survey complete.
Gender & Development Survey

Thank you for visiting the Gender & Development Survey.

As Editor of Gender & Development, I am interested in understanding how you use the journal content in your work.

I very much value the fact that you read articles from Gender & Development. As you know, it aims to support all those involved in promoting gender equality and women’s rights in development and humanitarian work.

Oxfam and Routledge have designed a short survey to help Gender & Development meet its readers' interests and needs. We'd be very grateful if you could give a short time to complete the survey, giving us your opinions on what we do well, less well, and how we might do better in the future!

Please note that this survey can be completed using a mobile/smart device as well as a desktop/laptop. If you prefer, you can also download a version of the survey in an Excel spreadsheet and return it to us via email after completing it. Click here to download the spreadsheet:

Downloadable Version of Gender & Development Survey

Thank you in advance for your time and comments.

Caroline Sweetman
Editor, Gender & Development