Question Title

* 1. As a whole, please rate your level of satisfaction with catering across the Gold Coast campus.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate each outlet below by the quality of food served.

  Very Poor Quality Reasonable Quality Very Good Quality Not sure/ I don't go there
Koala Cafe (G07 The Link)
Cafe Rossa (G07 The Link)
Coffee Cellar (G14 Visual Arts)
G's Wine Bar (G40 Griffith Health Centre)
Vitamin G (G40 Griffith Health Centre)
Uni Bar (G07 The Link)
Nature's Bar (G16 Clinical Sciences 2)
Fruit Cart (G07 The Link)
Village Cafe (Griffith University Village)
Coffee Bug (G33 Student Centre)
Coffee Bug (G28 Kiosk - outside G03 Lecture Theatre)

Question Title

* 3. Please rate each outlet below by value for money/pricing.

  Very Unreasonable Reasonable Very Reasonable/ Cheap Not sure/ I don't go there
Cafe Rossa (G07 The Link)
Coffee Cellar (G14 Visual Arts)
Vitamin G (G40 Griffith Health Centre)
Village Cafe (Griffith University Village)
Nature's Bar (G16 Clinical Sciences 2)
Uni Bar (G07 The Link)
G's Wine Bar (G40 Griffith Health Centre)
Fruit Cart (G07 The Link)
Coffee Bug (G28 Kiosk - outside G03 Lecture Theatre)
Coffee Bug (G33 Student Centre)
Koala Cafe (G07 The Link)
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33% of survey complete.