Question Title

* 1. Please accept our thanks for sponsoring at the IFEC Dallas conference. In addition to introducing new ideas, your sponsorships bring excitement and engagement and help sustain IFEC. We would like to get your feedback to help us design future opportunities. To that end, we're asking you to take this survey.

First, we'd like to know what you sponsored. Please check all the boxes that apply.

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your sponsorship? If you sponsored in more than one category, please check the applicable box for each.

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Very Satisfied Don't know
Chef Showcase
Learning Station
Activity Station
Menu Item (Food and/or Beverage)
Roomservice Gift
Bag for gifts or Badge Pouch
Gift for the Gift Bag
Special Event

Question Title

* 3. What did you think about the information and communication you received from IFEC/the Omni in advance of your presentation? Please check the applicable boxes. Did you find it to be

  Very helpful Satisfactory Needs improvement Don't know
Chef Showcase
Learning Station
Activity Station
Menu Item
Roomservice Gift
Bag for Gifts or Badge Pouch
Gift for the Gift Bag
Special Event

Question Title

* 4. What did you think about the service and attention you/your sponsorship received from the time you arrived at the conference through the time your sponsorship was presented. Please check the applicable boxes. Did you find it to be

  Very helpful Satisfactory Needs improvement Don't know
Chef Showcase
Learning Station
Activity Station
Menu Item
Roomservice Gift
Bag for Gifts or Badge Pouch
Gift for the Gift Bag
Special Event

Question Title

* 5. If your sponsorship involved food prepared by the hotel, what did you think of the quality and appearance of the food. Please check all applicable boxes. Did you find it to be

  Well done Satisfactory Needs improvement Don't know N/A
Chef Showcase
Learning Station
Activity Station
Menu Item
Roomservice Gift
Bag for Gifts or Badge Pouch
Gift for the Gift Bag
Special Event

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the impact of your sponsorship? Please use the scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most positive impact. If you sponsored in more than one category, please rate each of them.

  1 2 3 4 5
Chef Showcase
Learning Station
Activity Station
Menu Item
Roomservice Gift
Bag for Gifts or Badge Pouch
Gift for the Gift Bag
Special Event

Question Title

* 7. Now, thinking about the elements you use to measure the success of your sponsorships, please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the most important.

  1 2 3 4 N/A
Your own perceptions
Your client's comments
Attendance/attendee participation
Attendee comments at the point of presentation
Attendee comments afterwards
Editor questions

Question Title

* 8. Now we'd like your opinions about sponsor benefits. Please rate the following as to their importance to you, on the scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the most important.

  1 2 3 4 N/A
Logo on printed conference program
Logo on large-format signs
Name of product & sponsor on menus in printed program
Name of product & sponsor on hand-held menus (sit-down meals)
Name of product & sponsor on tabletents/small signs at food stations
Recognition of sponsor from the podium
Listing on website

Question Title

* 9. Do you have suggestions to improve next year's sponsorships? If so, please include them in the textbox.

Question Title

* 10. Suppose you were in charge of inventing new types of sponsorship opportunities for the IFEC conference. What would they be?

Question Title

* 11. Thank you for answering the survey. If you would like to share your name (optional), please write it in the textbox.