A Two Minute Survey for 'My Top Three in Tech Comm

This survey is an extension of my blog post at: http://enjoytechnicalwriting.com/2013/11/14/my-top-three-in-tech-comm/.

To add your response to the questions listed in this post, please use the form below. Thank you and I appreciate it.

I shall try to use and publish your response depending on your participation.

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* 1. Three professional events that I want to attend in 2014

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* 2. Three books I want to read

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* 3. Three professionals whom you have never met in person and you would like to meet and discuss content and tech comm

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* 4. Three companies or brands I would have loved to worked with

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* 5. Three online documentation examples that you like or refer to for structure, model, comprehensiveness, style, being purpose-driven, accuracy and experience

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* 6. Three countries or cities that you wish technical communicators should spend their vacations

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* 7. About you (please write your current position or title next to your name)