Question Title

* 1. In 2010, the Galloway Township Public School District adopted six core values that we strive for in our daily practices. Please tell us how well you believe the district meets each of these values by ranking your answers on a scale where 1="Completely and 5="Not at all".

  Completely Mostly Somewhat A little Not at all
Hard Work

Question Title

* 2. What school does your child attend?

Question Title

* 3. Did you attend this year's Back to School Night that was held at your child's school?

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* 4. Was the Back to School Night session informative?

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* 5. Did you also attend the special Common Core/PARCC presentation that was given prior to Back to School Night?

Question Title

* 6. Was the Common Core/PARCC session informative?

Question Title

* 7. Please select the response that best describes your feelings about student learning at your child's school.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
My child is motivated to learn and do challenging work.
The teachers, principals and assistant principal(s) at my child’s school encourage my child’s learning.
My child's teachers assign meaningful homework that follows district policy and improves my child’s learning.
Teachers & school administrators take an active interest in my child's educational future.
My child's teachers are knowledgeable and understand their subject matter.
Student work is prominently on display in my child's school.
Teachers clearly tell my child what learning is expected in class.

Question Title

* 8. Please select the response that best describes your feelings about safety at your child's school.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
My child feels safe and secure at school.
My child's school building is kept clean.
The staff at my child's school use effective measures in dealing with disruptive students.
At my child's school, violence and student fighting are not major problems.
Bullying, harassment and/or intimidation are not tolerated at my child's school.

Question Title

* 9. Please select the response that best describes your feelings about communication at your child's school/from the district.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
I know who to contact at my child’s school for information or help.
I know who to contact at the district level for information or help.
The staff members at my child’s school take pride in the school.
If I have a question or concern, the staff at my child’s school/from the district respond in a timely manner.
The staff seem receptive to suggestions.
The staff at the school are friendly, and I feel welcome.
The staff at the district office are friendly, and I feel welcome.
My thoughts and feelings are valued by the staff at my child’s school.
My child's teachers let me know right away if my child is struggling at school.
My child’s teachers let me know when my child is doing well academically.
I am kept up-to-date about activities and events going on in the school before they happen.
I am kept up-to-date about activities and events going on in the district before they happen.

Question Title

* 10. Please select one answer for each question below:

  Never Occasionally Frequently Weekly/Daily N/A
Do you visit your child's teacher's eBoard?
Do you visit your child's school web site?
Do you visit your school FSA eBoard or Facebook account?
Do you visit the district web site?
Do you visit the district Facebook page?

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* 11. Is this your first child in the Galloway Township Public School District?

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* 12. Does your child participate in activities (i.e. sports or clubs)?

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* 13. Does your child participate in programs/services (i.e. GEM - elementary students, Advanced Classes - GTMS, Intervention, Special Education, 504 Plan, etc.)?

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* 14. What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply.)

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* 15. What is your economic status?

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* 16. This survey was completed by...

Question Title

* 17. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?