Dear Girl Scout parent/guardian:

Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida is gathering input to aid us in a decision regarding the finances of our local Girl Scout organization. Please take a few minutes to share with us what you value most about the organization and the programming provided for your daughter’s Girl Scout experience. Your answers are confidential and we appreciate the candor in your responses. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy McHeran, Vice President of Operations, at or 561-427-0179.

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* 1. What are the top 3 things you value most about your daughter’s Girl Scout Experience? (pick your top 3)

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* 2. How many daughters do you have that are currently Girl Scouts?

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* 3. Approximately how much do you currently spend each year on your daughter’s Girl Scout experience?

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* 4. Which Council Services have you or your daughter(s) used/programs has she participated in the past year? (Choose all that apply.)