1. Intro

12% of survey complete.
Take this Survey and Win Prizes for YOU and your GSA Club!

Calling all GSA advisers, officers, and active members! We need your feedback.
At the end of each school year, GSA Network asks you to tell us what worked, where you had challenges, and how GSA Network can help your GSA do even more next year.

If you fill out the survey by June 30th you and your GSA will be entered into a drawing to win a number of prizes including:

GSA Club Prizes:
1. $100 for your GSA! (Use the $ for events, supplies or snacks for your meetings!)
2. Rainbow bracelets and buttons for everyone in your GSA! (swag y'all!)

Individual Prizes:
1. I hella <3 GSA T-shirt (5 winners!)
2. I hella <3 GSA tote bag (5 winners!)
3. Rainbow bracelets and buttons (5 winners!

Please only take this survey if you are a California middle school or high school student or an adviser to a GSA club in a middle or high school in California. All of your answers are confidential.

NOTE: You can also send an email to info@gsanetwork.org to request an electronic copy you can print out for your GSA club members, and then mail them into us.