Welcome to the 1st (as far as we can tell) Global TV Commercial Producers Sustainability Survey

14% of survey complete.
Hello Producers,

First, thanks for joining us here on this quick survey!
Its completely anonymous, and we will share the results with you if you like.

Millions of people around the world are changing the way they think and act today. They are saving energy, preserving the environment and reducing their emissions. We would like to know what the people in our industry -producing TV commercials- are doing.

We are the initiators of the Carbon Film Quote (www.carbonfilmquote.com), and we are doing this survey in preparation for a roundtable discussion with advertising industy and production partners on 22 September in Düsseldorf Germany.

This round table is to review methods of sustainable and environmentally friendly production, and to help us identify improvement opportunities for reducing the environmental impact of shooting a TV commercial (or any other advertising film) - but we realise that we know very little about your thoughts and ideas on this subject.

So we’ve put together a simple little questionnaire that we hope will give us all a clearer picture.

Please take 5 minutes to answer our easy questions, the more producers that answer, the better.
It doesn’t matter if more than one producer from the same company answers; we are keen to know what YOU think!

The survey is completely anonymous. If you are interested in seeing the results:
We will publish on 22 September 2011 on our Facebook page:
And our web site:

The survey deadline is 21 September 12h00 CET