Welcome to My Survey

Thank you very much for giving your time to complete this survey.

Please only complete this survey if you keep British Black or Buckfast type honey bees.

Make sure to leave your contact details at the end of the survey to be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

Before moving on to the next page, please take a moment to read the details of the study and the consent declaration so that you understand how the information you give will be used.

Title of the study: Productivity, behaviour and disease resistance of British Black and Buckfast type Honeybees: a comparative study using a questionnaire based approach and genetic analysis.

Eoghan Wincombe
Dr Karen Braithwaite
Dr Robin Flynn

Purpose of the study:
The project will compare productivity, behaviour, tendency to swarm and resistance/susceptibility to disease of two types (subspecies) of honey bee. Variations of these criteria have been recorded for many honeybee types in the past. The study aims to confirm the variations in these two types and investigate a link with each type’s genetics.

Consent Declaration

By continuing to the next page of this survey you agree to the following statements:
I understand that participation in this study is voluntary and that I may leave the study at any time (without needing to provide reasons for doing so)
I agree that information I give during the study can be used in a report, a published paper or a conference or meeting presentation.
I understand that the study is being conducted for the purposes of research.
I understand that I can request to see a summary of the findings, and I can also request to see any notes made during the process of my data collection.

The researchers have explained that any comments you make will be anonymous so that in the final study write up, it will not be possible to identify you

If you have any queries regarding this study, please contact the researcher, Eoghan Winchcombe, via e-mail at:
