100% of survey complete.

Question Title

1. Please select the unit(s) you were assigned to.

Question Title

2. Discipline eg Nursing, Occupational Therapy:
Please also note here if you were part of a Nursing Group.

Question Title

3. Date you completed this survey:

Question Title

4. Name - optional:

Question Title

5. Name of College/University:

Question Title

6. Thank you for choosing Bridgepoint Hospital for your clinical rotation. We hope that your experience has been a rewarding one. We would like to know if there is anything we could have done differently to make your experience more helpful.

Please chose the most appropriate answer for each statement below. Thank you!

  5-Very Often/Strongly Agree 4 3-Sometimes/Neutral 2 1-Never/Strongly Disagree
1. I felt prepared to begin my placement after the orientation
2. I received appropriate assistance to address any questions or concerns I had about my placement
3. I felt welcome and accepted as a part of the team
4. I was able to access the resources necessary to do the work that was expected of me (e.g. library, inter/intranet, clinical/business systems)
5.I participated in activities when two or more professionals learned about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes (Interprofessional Education)
6. I was given opportunities to apply the learned theory/knowledge from school to practical situations
7. I would recommend my preceptor(s)/supervisor(s) for future student placements
8.I would recommend a placement here to my fellow students

Question Title

7. What did you like best about this experience?

Question Title

8. Is there anything else we could have done to better support/encourage students during this clinical experience?