
We would like to know your thoughts on using this trial resource.

Question Title

* 1. What is your status?

Question Title

* 2. Which resource did you use?

Question Title

* 3. During the trial, how many times did you use this resource?

Question Title

* 4. Were you given a demonstration of this resource by a librarian?

Question Title

* 5. List any specific classes or assignments for which you used this resource.

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate the following elements of this resource?

  Poor Adequate Excellent N/A
Quality of content
Printing/saving/viewing options

Question Title

* 7. Should the Library purchase/subscribe to this resource?

Question Title

* 8. Do you consider this resource essential to your research?

Question Title

* 9. How often would you use this resource?

Question Title

* 10. Please leave additional comments about the resource here, such as your favorite/least favorite aspect or why the Library should purchase this resource.