Question Title

* 1. This questionnaire is about using paid online & telephone medical advice lines that use qualified UK doctors, so you get expert advice, immediately. (This survey is the unpaid bit, we'll be arranging paid groups soon, leave your details at the end.)

If you have a minor medical condition or concern would you consider using such a service? (On all questions click as many boxes as you like.)

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* 2. When you discover a minor medical problem (rash, bump, pain, feeling unwell, giddy, etc) how do you react?

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* 3. What might make you use a paid online/telephone medical advice line? (Note: all doctors are UK qualified.)

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* 4. With a growing number of alternative paid services, what factors do you think are important in selecting an on-line/telephone medical advice service? (Click as many boxes as you want.)

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* 5. Informing people of a new medical advice line is not easy. As this is essentially 'not for profit' it has a limited budget. What channels are best to use to inform you?

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* 6. About you.