Welcome to the Patient Advocate Survey developed by the Professional Patient Advocate Institute. The goal of this survey is twofold in nature. First, the survey will allow us to gain insights into the emerging role of patient advocates throughout the continuum. Secondly, the information will be analyzed and shared in a Special Report that can be used to educate employers, policy makers, members of the healthcare team and other stakeholders about the role, function and need for patient advocates in today’s complex healthcare system.

Patient Advocacy is an emerging practice because of the demand from consumers to have more control over their health and healthcare decisions. In addition, the healthcare system today is unsafe, complex, fragmented and has a language of its own that can make it difficult to navigate and costly to participate if you do not understand the internal structure.

As the practice emerges, standards of practice will emerge, national certification will become a reality and outcomes will need to be documented and shared in order to provide consumers and other stakeholders with information that demonstrates the value advocates provide. This survey is the first step in the process as it will serve as a in-depth look at the practice of patient advocacy.

The survey will run from January 7-31, 2013. Results will be featured in a Special Report that will analyze the findings and provide a comprehensive snapshot of the current state of practice and a glimpse of where it is heading in the future. Regardless of your current title, if you feel you provide patient advocate services today, please complete the survey.

We recognize your time is valuable, so I wanted to let you know that the first 1000 people to complete the survey will receive a Special Report, Social Media in Healthcare: The Modern Link to Effective Patient Engagement. Please let your patient advocate colleagues know about the survey so they can also participate. Having a broad sample of those practicing in the field will allow us to gain into insight into the emerging field of patient advocacy.

Thank you in advance.

Anne Llewellyn, RN-BC, MS, BHSA, CCM, CRRN
Editor in Chief, Dorland Health and the Professional Patient Advocate Institute