Thank you for taking the time to give us your input as we start the process of creating Oklahoma's new Math Standards. Each survey is about 25 questions. There is a space to comment after each group of standards and there is also be a place for general comments at the end of the survey.

At the beginning of each survey there is a link to the PASS Objectives written in a vertical progression so that you can see how the skills build across the grade levels. The PASS objectives are a blend of content skills (a list of topics to teach) and Process Skills (ways of using and applying the mathematics).

While screenshots are provided, they may be more difficult to see on various devices. We suggest that you click on the link provided at the beginning of each survey to view the entire document in a separate window as you answer the questions.

Question Title

* 1. Please select your role. (Choose all that apply.)

Question Title

* 2. Enter your Email Address (optional) to be on future standards update email lists.

Question Title

* 3. Process standards for mathematics are ways of using and applying mathematics and can be thought of as soft skills. These processes range from reasoning and problem solving to communicating about mathematics and mathematical structure and representing mathematics in multiple ways. While the overarching Process standards are consistent across Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade, the grade-band descriptions are specific to the student's experience of using and applying mathematics.

(If you would like to read an overview of NCTM's 2000 Standards, click here.)

Please consider what soft skills are important to you and indicate your level of agreement to the following statement.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
The new Oklahoma Math standards should reflect the importance of process skills.
Students should graduate from Oklahoma schools with the ability to reason and problem solve.
Current Oklahoma graduates are able to reason and problem solve.
Students should be able to understand mathematical and statistical claims in the work place, media, and political matters.
Current Oklahoma graduates understand mathematical and statistical claims in the work place, media, and political matters.
Students should be able to think about how mathematics might be represented in charts, graphs, equations, and other manners.
Current Oklahoma graduates are able to think about how mathematics might be represented in charts, graphs, equations, and other manners.

Question Title

* 4. The National Research Council (2001) describes the five components of mathematical proficiency:
• students have a strong sense of the key mathematical content
• students compute flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately
• students can formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems
• students can reflect, explain, justify, and use logical reasoning
• students see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile

Considering these components and your own experiences as an educator, parent, and/or community member, what do believe are the most important skills for students to gain from their K-12 mathematics education in Oklahoma?

Question Title

* 5. Choose the survey you would like to take. At the end of the survey, you will have the option to take additional grade level surveys or end the survey.