Thank you for participating in the 2014 Green Apple Day of Service! We strive to support your efforts in creating healthy and high-performing schools and communities as much as possible. Please complete the short registration form below so that we can track and celebrate your successes. Note that you may only register one project at a time.

Question Title

* 1. Event Type

Question Title

* 2. Event Description

Question Title

* 3. Event Date(s)


Question Title

* 4. Location

Question Title

* 5. Project Contact Info

Question Title

* 6. Would you like assistance from the Green & Healthy Schools Academy in implementing your project?

Question Title

* 7. May we contact you about other Green & Healthy Schools Academy programs, events and activities?

Question Title

* 8. May we register your project with the USGBC Center for Green Schools? If so, the project will appear on a map of all Green Apple Day of Service projects taking place around the world.

Question Title

* 9. Enter any additional information or comments here.