
Thank you for opting to complete Ovum's 2014 Future of Video Technology survey

The survey contains a limited number of multiple-choice questions. Completing it should take no longer than 15 minutes.

Each respondent that completes the survey will receive a copy of the headline results and will be entered into a prize draw for a $150 Amazon voucher.

I will be presenting a preliminary analysis of the survey results at the CDN World Summit & TV in the Cloud event, which is taking place in London, UK on September 30 to October 2: http://cdnworldsummit.com/

All responses will be treated in strict confidence; the information you provide will not be disclosed to third parties.

I look forward to working with you on this project, and to hearing your views on this rapidly changing market.

Yours sincerely,
Paul Jackson
Practice Lead
Media and Entertainment
6% of survey complete.