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* 1. Please submit the following information.

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* 2. Cyber criminals are always changing the ways they try to steal your information. Once the general public becomes aware of their current scam, they must try a new tactic.

One of the most recent scams out there is where the perpetrator calls you and says that they are from your bank and your credit/debit card has been frozen or blocked. If you want to unblock your card, press 1. Then, they ask you to type in your full credit/debit card number and they use it to commit fraud. (Your bank would never ask for your full card number as they already have it).

Research credible web sources to find one of the latest scams currently attacking the general public. Cite your source and briefly summarize the information.

1) Explain how the scam works and how the thieves steal personal information.
2) Who does this scam target? (Example: the ederly, stay at home moms, ect.)
3) How can the general public better protect themselves from this type of scam?