NISC Founders Award Criteria

Purpose: To recognize outstanding professional leadership in the senior center field and to enhance the senior center profession and NISC.

Eligibility: Any leader in the senior center field is eligible, though preference will be given to NCOA members affiliated with NISC. The nominee may be nominated posthumously.

Process: A nationwide call for nominees via NCOA Week, Senior Center Voice, and the NISC Web Site will be made.  A three to five member Selection Committee, appointed by the NISC Chair, will rank nominees and individually and collectively agree on the selection.  Presentation will be at the appropriate NISC event during the Senior Center Conference.  The winner will receive a plaque and will be listed on a perpetual plaque.

1. Accrued contributions via sustained years of senior center service.
2. Outstanding leadership or innovation.
3. Specific significant service of benefit to NCOA/NISC.

Selection Committee Scoring Guidelines:
Years of Service
 1 – 10 years = 10 pts
11 –20 years = 20 pts
20 + years = 25 pts
Maximum points possible on #1: = 25
Innovation = 10 pts
Program Development = 10 pts
Community Services = 10 pts
Impact on Senior Center Field Locally & Regionally =10 pts
Impact on Senior Center Field Nationally = 10 pts
Maximum points possible on # 2: 50
NISC Involvement
NISC Officer or Committee Chair = 10 pts
NISC Delegate Council Member/Committee Member/ State Liaison = 5 pts
Other – Conference work, Special Project work, etc. = 10 pts
Maximum points possible on # 3: = 25
Total points possible: 100